Three Vintage Hogs!

Photo from "Connecticut and the Hog."
Click the picture for a larger view.

If you like pigs, you're going to love this collection of three rare, vintage, hog-raising booklets that I've put together for you in this Agriphemera PDF download. First up, is Hogology...

Hogology is a 96-page book published in 1907 by Dr. Jos. Haas Remedy Co. of Indianapolis, Indiana. Part of the book is clearly advertising for Dr. Hass' Hog Remedy, but most of the book is dedicated to providing more general information about how to successfully raise hogs. 

This book begins with the heading of: The Hog a Money Maker, and the following paragraph...

"When we say that no domestic animal has made more money for the American farmer than the hog we are making a broad statement, but it is a fact, and the truth of it will be admitted by the owner of every up-to-date and well-managed farm. Farms have been bought, schools established, improvements made and civilization has been advanced by this unfastidious mortgage-lifter."

A picture from Hogology.

Another picture from Hogology.

Next up in this Agriphemera package is this little gem of a booklet...

This 31-page book, published (circa 1914) by the America Poland China Record Association will give you the unique history and the superior benefits of Poland China hogs. Early in the book it states...

"The only hog in existence that can vie with or surpass the Poland China in the economical and profitable production of tender, juicy, delicious and delicately flavored meat, or as a larderer is—another Poland China."

Here's a champion Poland China from the book...

The third hog booklet in this Three Vintage Hogs offer is...

This booklet was published circa 1922

Connecticut and the Hog is only 23 pages long, but it has some interesting articles, like "Pasture Makes a Profitable Pork," and "Feeding Garbage to Swine," and "Housing The Hog." Then there are the pictures...

Keep in mind that these booklets were published before the advent of industrialized agriculture. The typical hog was raised on pasture, not in a barn. This is, in my opinion, the kind of hog-raising we need to get back to!

Altogether, you will get over 150 pages of historical, hog-raising perspective and how-to in this hard-to-find collection of booklets. 

Price: $4.50

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