If you are a fan of the old Planet Jr. company, and the many agricultural implements they once made, you will love this pdf download of the 40-page, 1898 Planet Jr. Tool Catalog.
The pages have been professionally scanned from an original copy of the catalog. You can clearly see the illustrations and read the informative descriptions of all the Planet Jr. tools and attachments. There are also a few photographs in the catalog. The last page of the scan shows the 1898 price sheet for all the tools.
Here is a list of the tools that are featured in this copy of the 1898 catalog:
Planet Jr. No. 5 Seeder For Rows and Hills
Planet Jr. No. 4 Hill Dropping Seed Drill, Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow
Planet Jr. No. 3 Hill Dropping Seed Drill
Planet Jr. No. 2 Seed Drill
Planet Jr. No. 1 Combined Drill, Cultivator Rake and Plow
Planet Jr. Fertilizer and Pea Drill
Planet Jr. No. 11 Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow
Planet Jr. No. 10 Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow
Planet Jr. No. 15 Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow
Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Rake and Plow
Fire-Fly Single Wheel Hoe
Fire-Fly Garden Plow
Planet Jr. Grass Edger
Planet Jr. No. 8 Horse Hoe and Cultivator
Planet Jr. No. 7 Horse Hoe
Planet Jr. No. 5 Horse Hoe and Cultivator
Planet Jr. No. 4 Horse Hoe and Cultivator
Planet Jr. No. 8 Nine-Tooth Horse Hoe
Planet Jr. All Steel Leveller
Planet Jr. Beet Cultivator
Planet Jr. Sweet Potato Horse Hoe
Planet Jr. Twelve-Tooth Harrow, Cultivtor, and Pulverizor
Planet Jr. Strawberry Runner Cutter
Planet Jr. No. 5 Plain Cultivator
Planet Jr. No. 4 Plain Cultivator
Planet Jr. Double Celery Hiller
Planet Jr. Single Celery Hiller
Planet Jr. Orchard Cultivator and Universal Harrow, Marker and Coverer
Planet Jr. Spring Tooth Orchard Cultivtor
Planet Jr. Universal Cultivator With Deep Tillage Outfit
Planet Jr. Pivot Wheel Riding Cultivator, Plow Marker and Ridger
Planet Jr. Sugar Cane Plow and Cultivator
Planet Jr. Four Row Beet Hoe
Planet Jr. Cotton and Southern Corn Cultivator
Price: $2.99

P.S. If you would like to learn some of the history of the Planet Jr. company and how the owner, S. L. Allen, came up with the unusual name, check out this essay: Samuel Leeds Allen And The Planet Jr. Name