Back in the days before the now-popular Cornish "Frankenchicken" was available, people caponized their roosters to get meaty birds. Here is an excerpt from this Farmer's Bulletin:
"A capon is an altered or castrated male chicken. As with other male animals so altered, the disposition of the capon differs materially from that of the cockerel. He no longer shows any disposition to fight, is much more quiet and sluggish, and is more docile and easy to keep within bounds. The true capon seldom crows. Along with this change in disposition there is a change in appearance. The comb and wattles cease growing. This change causes the head to appear abnormally small. The hackle, tail, and saddle feathers grow very long, giving the bird an appearance of being profusely feathered."
Caponized roosters grew quite large and sold for a premium. They needed a longer length of time (than a Cornish Frankenchicken) to attain the desired large size, but they were excellent foragers.
This 11-page bulletin has 9 photos and 1 drawing. It contains subject headings as follows:
Characteristics of the capon
Selection of breeds
When to caponize
Caponizing instruments
The operation of caponizing
Losses due to caponizing
Care of the fowls after the operation
Feeding and growing capons
Preparing capons for market
Cost of production and returns
Price: $1.99

More Caponizing Information...
If you are interested in learning the art of caponizing, it is recommended that you purchase all four of our Agriphemera downloads on this subject. Each download has information and insights not found in the other downloads. All together, these inexpensive downloads provide you with an excellent educational resource about this almost-lost skill.
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