New From Planet Whizbang
& Herrick Kimball...
35 choice volumes from America's golden era of poultry popularity, converted to pdf files, and compiled onto a SanDisk flash drive.
Plug the flash drive into your computer and the Old-Timer's Poultry Library can be easily read, or printed out.
One of the Old-Timers
(photo by Dorothea Lange) |
The old-timer's truly had a passion for poultry. We know this because in the years between circa 1900 to 1940 a great many poultry books, magazines and bulletins were published. There were also many poultry clubs. Poultry-raising was so widespread, in fact, that various poultry feeds were sold in the popular A&P grocery stores of the day (that would be the equivalent of buying egg-laying mash at Walmart today).
The many writings from America's golden era of poultry popularity are a remarkable historical storehouse of information and insights about raising poultry. With that in mind, Planet Whizbang has created the Old-Timer's Poultry Library. This electronic library, housed in a high-quality USB flash drive, is like a fascinating time capsule from the old-timers.
All of the pdf files in the library are original-copy scans from Herrick Kimball's personal collection of poultry agriphemera. All you have to do to have instant access at any time to all the volumes is plug the "Poultry Library" flash drive into the USB port of your computer (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, & Mac OS X v10.6+).
All 35 volumes are on a 4GB flash drive just like this.
Note: we could put these same agriphemera poultry resources on a CD for much less money, but flash drives are easier to use on the standard computer, and the information is faster to access. |
Many of the volumes in the Old Timer's Poultry Library are rarities. All of them together, loaded onto a top-quality SanDisk flash drive, for only $12.95, are a great value.
See Complete Details About
The Old Timer's Poultry Library Below
Price: $12.95 (plus $1.00 for postage)
Availability: In stock & ready to ship.
Women were avid old-timer poultry enthusiasts too! |
Here's what's in the
Old Timer's Poultry Library....
#2 to #13
This complete (12 booklets—280 pages) Ful-O-Pep correspondence course from 1923 is a true rarity. The 100-question final examination is also included (but not the answers). The course was offered by the Quaker Oats Company, makers of Ful-O-Pep poultry feeds. There's a lot of information crammed into these lessons. |
144-page book, published in 1933 and distributed by the Beacon Milling Company of Cayuga, N.Y. Lots of photos and line drawings. One of the best all-around resources from the old-timers on the subject of raising poultry. |
This 131-page book, published in 1903, is exactly what title says... 999 questions and answers about poultry. It's a neat idea for a book. It's also fun to read and very informative. Questions are grouped into chapters titled as follows: Special Questions For The Fancier, Eggs, Feeding, Chicks, Houses, Diseases, Natural and Artificial Incubation & Brooding, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese, Miscellaneous. |
30-page book published by The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company in 1937. Basic guidelines for care and feeding of poultry. Has a unique two-page symptom/disease chart that makes it easy to diagnose poultry problems, then causes and simple treatments are discussed. For example, for the treatment for mites: "Apply ointment made of one part caraway oil to five parts melted vaseline." |
32-page book published by The Carey Salt Company. Circa 1925. Subject titles include, The Housing of Poultry, Selecting The Breed, The Care of Baby Chicks, Poultry Feeding, Mash Mixtures For Laying Hens, Turkeys Are Money Makers, Feeding Ducks & Goslings, How to Set a Hen. |
38-page book published by Corno Feeds. Circa 1938. Subject titles include, The Hen—How Good is She? (on how to properly cull old birds), Body Capacity, Wings Indicate Molt, Artificial Lighting (with a plan for making a time switch using an alarm clock), Feeding For Eggs, What Hens Eat in a Year, Feeding by Seasons for Egg Production, Getting Maximum Egg Production, Fattening Your Birds For Market, Poultry Diseases. Several photos & drawings. |
16-page book from 1946. Simple plans for homemade electric brooder, feeders, range waterers & hay feeding rack. |
32-page book published by the Poultry Tribune in 1937. Subject titles include, The 10 Commandments of Chick Raising, Fresh Ground Insures Good Pullets, What and How to Feed, Building Range Shelters, How to Fight Poultry Worms, How to Control Mites and Lice, Culling Simplified, Light Helps Fill the Egg Basket, Build Yourself a Modern Poultry House, How to Use Batteries, How to Linebreed for More Eggs!, Turkeys Are Easy to Raise. |
119-page book, published in 1930 by Dr. Hess & Clark, Inc., a company that sold various poultry medications. Lots of useful information about poultry anatomy, various diseases, vitamins, rations & feeding, care of chicks. Hess & Clark products are mentioned but not such that it detracts from the value of the information. |
60-page book, published by The Stockman-Farmer Publishing Co., in 1917. Covers all the basics of raising poultry for eggs and meat. (text is clear but many photos are not) |
18-page book from 1926. Subject titles include: Rearing Chickens With Hens, Brood Coops, Artificial Brooding, Hovers, Brooders & Brooding Systems, Stove Brooder House (plans), Hot-WaterPipe Brooders, Fireless Brooders, Correct Temperatures For Brooding, Feeding Young Chicks and Toe Punching & Banding. |
24-Page booklet, published by Poultry Tribune in 1927. Discussion, photos and blueprints for the following: 10x12 Shed-Roof Brooder House, Missouri Type 20x20 Straw Loft Laying House, 20x40 Shed Roof Laying House, A Model 24 x 24 Unit House (Perfected at Poultry Tribune Experimental Farm), Missouri 30 x 30 Straw Loft Laying House, A Two-Story 1500-Hen House. Several "Handy Helps" are in the back of the book, along with plans for "The Ohio Reel Mash Feeder" and "No-Waste Range Feed Hopper." |
38-page book from 1940. Discusses 29 varieties of chickens raised for meat and/or eggs. With a photographs of each. |
22-page book from 1928. Subject titles include: Varieties, Standard Weights, Selecting Breeding Stock, Management of Breeding Stock, Incubating the Eggs, Rearing the Poults, and Fattening For Market. |
22-page book from 1933. Discusses breeds of ducks and the raising of ducks. |
The USB flash drive will be shipped to you by First Class mail. Simply plug it into your computer and you'll have access to over 1,200 pages of information and inspiration about poultry from the old-timers.
Important Note: The Old-Timer's Poultry Library has been created to provide valuable historical insights and how-to information as an adjunct to modern-day poultry manuals. As such, this library is an excellent course in poultry-raising, or as a reference resource. However, some information may be outdated.
Regular Price: $12.95 (plus $1.00 for postage)
Availability: In stock & ready to ship.
Another Old-Timer (photo by Dorothea Lange) |
Photo from the book, "Poultry Profits." |